Discover informative FinTech blog articles.
How to Create a Budget Plan for a Small business?
Starting a business especially if you are a first time business owner, starting it might be a very heavy and non-stop task. Building one that can make profit and grow isn’t easy, but that doesn’t mean it should be an excuse for you to stop working on it.
Why did my coffee invoice charge 10% extra?
The short answer is that you have to pay extra for value-added tax or VAT, which is a tax that is added to the price of a product or service that is paid above the original price.
Polymer Invoice Pitched At Pitch Perfect - Choice Accelerator
On December 6th 2023, our Co-founder/COO Chetha Yim was invited to pitch at the "Pitch Perfect", a pitching event hosted by Choice Accelerator and collaborated with OCIC group and Cambodia Invest Review, which was held at Koh Pich satellite city, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Differences Between Invoice and Receipt
As early business owners, you might question yourself "What's the difference between invoice and receipt?" particularly when needed to provide to your customer.
Digitalize Your Invoice With Polymer Invoice
Are you looking for invoice automation? Use our invoicing tool to help you manage your payment and track your expense with ease.
Business Strategy
How to Know if Your Invoice is Compliant?
When it comes to creating an invoice for your next payment from your client, having a compliant invoice is very crucial especially if your company is a registered one, or your client is.
Business Strategy
Why Invoicing is Important?
Invoicing plays an important role to help you moving forward with your business by keeping you accountable with invoice progress, tracking your expense and billing.