Terms & Conditions

Last updated: 25 January 2025

  1. Introduction

  1. This term and condition is governed by the Polymer Invoice’s SaaS Service, namely as “Polymer Invoice”.
  2. By agreeing to this agreement, you have read, highlighted and agreed to the terms and conditions. The following terms & conditions of use constitute a binding agreement, which you:
  1. warrant to us that you have reviewed this Agreement, including our Website Terms of Use (available on the Site) and our Privacy Policy (available on the Site), with your parent or legal guardian (if you are under 18 years of age), and you understand it;
  2. warrant to us that you have the legal capacity to enter into a legally binding agreement with us or (if you are under 18 years of age) you have your parent’s or legal guardian’s permission to access and use the Site and they have agreed to the Terms on your behalf; and
  3. agree to use the Services offered by Polymer Invoice SaaS via www.polymerinvoice.com  in accordance with this Agreement.
  1. From time to time, Polymer Invoice may revise these Terms and Conditions. In such cases, the Company will provide 30 days’ prior notice. Your continuous use of the Polymer Invoice SaaS Service after any announcement of such changes will be considered your acceptance of those changes in Terms and Conditions.
  2. If you choose not to accept these Terms and Conditions or any of its revisions, please do not proceed further and immediately stop accessing and/or using Polymer Invoice SaaS Service.
  3. You must not create a Customer account unless you are at least 18 years of age. If you are a parent or legal guardian permitting a person who is at least 13 years of age but under 18 years of age (a Minor) create a Customer account and/or use the Site, you agree to: (i) supervise the Minor’s use of the Site and their account; (ii) assume all risks associated with, and liabilities resulting from, the Minor’s use of the Site and their Customer account; (iii) ensure that the content on the Site is suitable for the Minor; (iv) ensure all information submitted to us by the Minor is accurate; and (v) provide the consents, representations and warranties contained in the Terms on the Minor’s behalf.
  1. Service Overview

  1. Polymer Invoice Software as a Service is an invoice management software fully owned by Polymer Invoice - a registered institution incorporated in the Kingdom of Cambodia, with registration no. 5000385977, and have its registration address at #Startup Studio, 3rd Floor, CamTech Building, CamTech Street, Prek Ta Sek District, Khan Chroy Changva, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Polymer Invoice is an invoice management system, integrated with telegram and KhQR for seamless invoice sending automation and receiving payment.
  2. Polymer Invoice Software as a Service offers macro and small business owners to create quotation or invoice conveniently, allow users to send out in Telegram App easily, track expenses and be able to connect with Bakong KQHR to their invoice making their time spending on overseeing the business as little as possible.
  3. On or from the Effective Date and during the Term, Polymer Invoice agrees to provide the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
  4. You agree that Polymer Invoice owns or holds the applicable licenses to all Intellectual Property Rights including but not limited to copyright in the Software and Invoice Management Services and any documentation provided with the Services by Polymer Invoice to You including any Customer configuration documentation.
  5. Polymer Invoice reserves the right to change or remove features of the Invoice Management Service from time to time. Where there is any material alteration to the Services in accordance with this clause, Polymer Invoice will provide the Customer with 60 Business Days’ notice and the Customer agrees that any material alteration is at the Polymer Invoice’s discretion.
  6. The Parties agree that the Polymer Invoice:
  1. will supply the Services on a non-exclusive basis;
  2. does not make any warranty or representation as to the ability of the facilities or services of any third-party suppliers; and
  3. is not liable for any failure in, fault with or degradation of the Services if that failure, fault or degradation is attributable to or caused by any failure of the Customer Environment or the facilities or services of any third party.
  1. Polymer Invoice reserves the right to refuse any request in relation to the Services that it deems inappropriate, unreasonable or illegal.
  1. User’s Obligation

  1. You, as the User, are responsible for complying with instructions, and guidelines provided by Polymer Invoice regarding the usage, installation and use of Polymer Invoice Service procedures. You are also responsible for ensuring the latest available updates have been followed, adopted or installed.
  2. You shall be solely responsible for the installation, servicing, maintenance, security and operation of the software.
  3. You have a duty as the User to ensure the information you provide and activities you conduct through Polymer Invoice SaaS Service shall not:
  1. be false, inaccurate or misleading, or in any way be linked to gambling activities, fraudulent activities, or the sale of counterfeit or stolen items;
  2. assist in illegal money lending;
  3. violate Polymer Invoice's Acceptable Use Policy or cause Polymer Invoice to receive excessive complaints regarding your Invoice Management Service Profile or business;  
  4. present to Polymer Invoice a risk of non-compliance with Polymer Invoice’s anti-money laundering obligations (including, but not limited to, cases in which Polymer Invoice cannot verify your identity);
  5. use Invoice management software to issue invoice for any goods or services which include, but are not limited to, the following: pornography, escort services, gambling, casinos, lotteries, guns, rifles, weapons, ammunition shops, child labor, racist or anti-democratic media, forex exchanges, tobacco or alcoholic beverages, shell companies (companies with no physical presence in Cambodia), unregulated businesses, wildlife trading, radioactive materials, unbound asbestos fibers, pharmaceuticals subject to international phase outs, and/or banned goods such as ozone-depleting substances.
  1. Polymer Invoice Service License  

  1. In consideration for payment of the Fees, Polymer Invoice grants to the Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable (except as otherwise permitted under this Agreement), personal, revocable, license to access and use the Invoice Management Services in accordance with Polymer Invoice’s intended purpose for the Polymer Invoice (Polymer Invoice Licence).
  2. You agree that the Polymer Invoice Licence:
  1. commences from the Effective Date or the day which you are granted access to the Invoice Management Services by Polymer Invoice, whichever occurs first;
  2. permits you the rights to use the Invoice Management Services in accordance with the Polymer Invoice Services’ normal operating procedures; and
  3. permits you to provide access and use of the Invoice Management Services to Authorized Users by embedding the Invoice Management Services into your services to you, as applicable.
  1. License Restriction

  1. You must not access or use the Invoice Management Services except as permitted by the Polymer Invoice Licence and may not do or authorize the commission of any act that would or might invalidate or be inconsistent with the Polymer Invoice’s Intellectual Property Rights in the Invoice Management SaaS Services or Software. Without limiting the foregoing provisions, You agree and acknowledges that it must not and will not permit any person to:
  2. To conduct an inspection of your website and/or points-of-sale or business premises;
  1. resell, assign, transfer, distribute or provide others with access to the Invoice Management Services;
  2. “frame”, “mirror” or serve any of the Invoice Management Service on any web server or other computer server over the Internet or any other network;
  3. copy, alter, modify, create derivative works from, reproduce, resell, transfer to a third party, reverse assemble, reverse engineer, reverse compile or enhance the Invoice Management Services or Software or
  4. make any unauthorized copy of any copyrighted material owned or licenced by
  5. alter, remove or tamper with any trademarks, any patent or copyright notices, or any confidentiality legend or notice, or any numbers, or other means of identification used on or in relation to the Invoice Management SaaS Services or Software.
  1. You must not use the Invoice Management Services in any way which is in breach of any statute, regulation, law or legal right of any person within Australia or the jurisdiction in which the Customer or its Personnel are located.
  1. Data Security

  1. You agree to give consent to Polymer Invoice to use, manage, collect, secure and encrypt the business data with cautious action and confidentiality.
  2. You agree to allow Polymer Invoice to collect only:
  1. Main Account User Name
  2. Main Account User Email
  3. Company Name
  4. Company VAT
  5. Company Phone Number
  6. Company Email Address
  7. Company Size
  8. Company Industry
  9. Geo Location based on the IP Address
  10. Bank Deeplink Payment link (Optional)
  1. You grants to the Polymer Invoice a limited licence to copy, transmit, store and back-up or otherwise access, use or make reference to any Intellectual Property Rights in the Data:
  1. to supply the Services including to enable the Customer, its Personnel and any Authorized Users to access and use the Services;
  2. to do analysis for the purposes of predictive safety analytics, industry guideline production and other construction safety-related uses, provide such Data is re-identified;
  3. for diagnostic purposes;
  4. to test, enhance and otherwise modify the Services whether requested by the Customer or not;
  5. to develop other Services; and
  6. as reasonably required for the performance of Polymer Invoice’s obligations under this Agreement.
  1. You represent and warrant that:
  1. any and all Data supplied by You, otherwise accessed by the Polymer Invoice through the provision of the Services is the sole and exclusive property of yours or you have secured any and all authorisations and rights to use the Data as applicable;
  2. its Data does not breach any relevant laws, regulations or codes;
  3. its Data does not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party;
  4. it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdiction where you can access and publishes content using the Invoice Management Service; and
  5. to the extent that the Data contains personal data, it has obtained the necessary consents in order to transfer or permit access to this Data in accordance with applicable privacy and data protection laws.
  1. You, as the customer acknowledges and agrees that:
  1. any collation, conversion and analysis of Data performed as part of the Services whether by the Services or otherwise is likely to be subject to human input and machine errors, omissions, delays and losses including but not limited to any loss of Data. Polymer Invoice SaaS is not liable for any such errors, omissions, delays or losses. You acknowledges and agrees it is responsible for adopting reasonable measures to limit the impact of such loss or error;
  2. Polymer Invoice may relocate the Data to another jurisdiction. In each case, Polymer Invoice will give the You, as Customer 15 Business Days’ notice and use all reasonable endeavor to minimize the effect of such change on your access and use of the Services;
  3. Polymer Invoice is not responsible for any corruption or loss of any Data if such corruption or loss is due to an act or omission by You,, its Personnel, its Related Bodies Corporate or any Authorized Users; and
  4. Polymer Invoice is not responsible for the integrity or existence of any Data on Your Environment, network or any device controlled by You, or its Personnel.
  1. You agree to indemnify and hold Polymer Invoice Service harmless for the corruption or loss of any Data controlled or stored by You or any Related Bodies Corporate, to the extent the corruption or loss is not caused by the negligent act or omission of the Polymer Invoice SaaS or its Personnel.
  2. Polymer Invoice shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of Personal Data. and notify you, the user, for any data breaches without undue delay.
  3. Polymer Invoice has the rights to assist the government in fulfilling its obligations under data protection laws, including responding to data subject requests.
  4. Polymer Invoice shall not and does not have the rights to transfer Personal Data to third countries or international organizations without prior written consent from you, the user.
  5. Polymer Invoice shall assist the user in exercising data subject rights, such as access, rectification, erasure, and data portability.
  1. Data Protection and Privacy

  1. You agree to give consent to Polymer Invoice to use, manage, collect, secure and encrypt the business data with cautious action and confidentiality.
  2. You agree to allow Polymer Invoice to collect only:
  1. Main Account User Name
  2. Main Account User Email
  3. Company Name
  4. Company VAT
  5. Company Phone Number
  6. Company Email Address
  7. Company Size
  8. Company Industry
  9. Geo Location based on the IP Address
  10. Bank Deeplink Payment link (Optional)
  1. You must use Polymer Invoice Service in a lawful manner and must obey all laws applicable to your use of the SaaS Service License. You agree that you will comply with all applicable legal obligations and security measures.
  2. If you use or store any data in a way that is not permitted by law or by the Polymer Invoice’s Terms, Polymer Invoice has the right to terminate this Agreement without notice. You will also be liable for all Assessments imposed by the Polymer Invoice Supports Team.
  3. Polymer Invoice shall process Personal Data only in accordance with the Polymer Invoicer’s instructions and applicable data protection laws.
  4. Polymer Invoice shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of Personal Data. and notify you, the user, for any data breaches without undue delay.
  5. Polymer Invoice has the rights to assist the government in fulfilling its obligations under data protection laws, including responding to data subject requests.
  6. Polymer Invoice shall assist the user in exercising data subject rights, such as access, rectification, erasure, and data portability.
  1. Payment

  1. You, as the Customer must pay Polymer Invoice:
  1. the Fee; and
  2. any other amount payable to Polymer Invoice under this Agreement, without set off or delay using the Payment Method in accordance with the Payment Terms. All Fees are in USD$, and are payable in advance.
  1. If You, the Customer, requires the use of a purchase order, the Customer is responsible for providing the applicable purchase order at the time of purchase. You acknowledge and agree to the extent of any inconsistency between this Agreement and any terms and conditions attached to the Customer’s purchase order, the terms of this Agreement will prevail. The Parties acknowledge and agree that any pre-printed standard terms and conditions attached to or on the back of any purchase order will not apply to this Agreement.
  2. If there is a Variation, Polymer Invoice will include the Variation Fees due and payable for the Variation performed in invoice(s) subsequent to the performance of any Variation.
  3. If any payment has not been made in accordance with the Payment Terms, Polymer Invoice may (at its absolute discretion):
  1. immediately cease providing the Services, and recover as a debt due and immediately payable from the Customer its Additional Costs of doing so;
  1. Polymer Invoice’s Liability

  1. During the Term, Polymer Invoice will provide the Support Services in accordance with the Service Levels during the Support Hours provided that:
  1. You, as Customers provides Polymer Invoice with notice for applicable Services in accordance with any applicable system and processes as set out on the Site, as applicable; and
  2. where required, You agree to assist with investigating and ascertaining the cause of the fault and provide to the Polymer Invoice Support Team all necessary information relevant to the fault (including but not limited to what the Customer or their Personnel has done in relation to the fault).
  1. Polymer Invoice must maintain commercially reasonable security measures to protect all Confidential Information in its possession or control, or in the possession or control of its Personnel, from unauthorized access, use, copying or disclosure.
  2. Polymer Invoice is not liable for losses incurred by you as a result of Polymer Invoice’s failure to comply with its obligations in connection with circumstances beyond the Company’s control. Polymer Invoice cannot be held responsible for losses incurred as a result of:
  1. a power supply failure or failure in Polymer Invoice’s telecommunications systems, legislative or administrative interventions, natural disasters, war, revolution, civil unrest, sabotage, terrorism or vandalism (including virus attacks and computer hacking);
  2. strikes, lockouts, boycotts or blockades, regardless of whether the conflict is directed against or was started by the Polymer Invoice and regardless of the cause of such conflict.  
  1. Polymer Invoice shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any consequential, indirect, special, incidental or exemplary damages relating to this Agreement or the Services, whether such damages are foreseeable or unforeseeable, and whether based on breach of any express or implied warranty, breach of contract, misrepresentation, negligence, strict liability in tort, or other cause of action. Polymer Invoice shall not be liable to you for any loss of data, goodwill, profits, investments, or use of money, or any other losses, even if Polymer Invoice has been advised on the possibility of such damages.
  1. User Liability

  1. You, the User, acknowledge that any unauthorized reproduction by you of any proprietary information provided or available Invoice Management Services and/or Application or any portion of it may result in legal action being taken.
  2. You will be liable for any loss suffered by Polymer Invoice (including consequential loss) which results from your fraud or negligence, or your violation of the SaaS Services Terms and Conditions.  
  3. You agree to waive the right to claim damages in all cases from Polymer Invoice and for all losses. However, notwithstanding your waiver, if you are entitled to damages under applicable law, you agree that your damages shall not exceed the total of all fees paid to Polymer Invoice over the past one month.  
  4. You agree to indemnify Polymer Invoice,  and employees and directors against all losses, claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, fines, and penalties, including attorney fees resulting from or in connection with your violation of this Agreement, or arising out of any fraudulent act, negligent or willful conduct committed by you, or the conduct of your employees or agents, including, but not limited to, claims of third parties arising out of or in connection with your products or services.
  1. Disclaimer of Warranties

  1. Polymer Invoice disclaims all warranties related to the Services, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise. You acknowledge that Polymer Invoice SaaS Service and the Services are computer network based services that may be subject to outages and delays.

As such, Polymer Invoice does not guarantee continuous or uninterrupted access to the Services. You also acknowledge that your access to the Services and there may at times be restricted for maintenance. Polymer Invoice will make reasonable efforts to ensure that invoices and services are processed in a timely manner; however, Polymer Invoice will not be liable for any interruption, outage or failure to provide the Services.  

  1. Intellectual Properties

  1. You agree that Polymer Invoice owns and retains all rights, title and interest to the Polymer Invoice Marks, Documentation, and all copyrights and any related technology used under this Agreement, including but not limited to all intellectual property rights associated with the Polymer Invoice Marks, Invoicing API Platform, Documentation (collectively, “Polymer Invoice IP”). No title to or ownership of any Polymer Invoice IP is granted or transferred to you or any other person or entity under this Agreement.  
  2. You agree that you will not reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile or otherwise attempt to discover the source code or trade secrets for any of the Polymer Invoice IP or related technology.  
  3. Polymer Invoice grants you, and you accept from Polymer Invoice, a non-exclusive, non-transferable license and right to use the Polymer Invoice Service for the purpose of using the Invoicing Management System. Polymer Invoice reserves the right to terminate this license at any time.  
  4. You grant Polymer Invoice a non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid-up right to use and display your Marks as necessary in connection with the performance of the Polymer Invoice SaaS Services.
  5. You are granted a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to electronically access and use the Polymer Invoice SaaS only in the manner described in this Agreement. Polymer Invoice may make updates to the Polymer Invoice SaaS Service available to you automatically, as electronically published by Polymer Invoice. Polymer Invoice may require you to agree to the terms of the license before using the updated Polymer Invoice SaaS Service, which you must accept prior to continuing use of these updated platforms. Polymer Invoice reserves the right to terminate this license at any time.
  1. Term 
  1. Commencement
  1. The Term of this Agreement takes effect on and from the Effective Date and continues for the Initial Term, if specified, and any Renewal Term, or otherwise indefinitely, unless this Agreement is terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
  2. Applicable to Initial Terms and any Renewal Term: At least 30 Business Days prior to the expiry of the current Contract Year, either Party may notify the other that it does not wish for the Term to be renewed and in such event, this Agreement will expire at the end of the then current Contract Year. If a Party has not given notice pursuant to this clause, this Agreement is automatically renewed for another 12-month period (Renewal Term).
  3. Applicable to Initial Terms and any Renewal Term: If a Party wishes to vary any of the Terms of this Agreement, it must give at least 30 Business Days’ notice prior to the expiry of the current Contract Year to enable the Parties to meet to discuss any proposed variation.
  1. Termination

  1. Where there is no Initial Term or Renewal Term, You may terminate this Agreement by giving Polymer Invoice at least 30 days prior written notice, such termination will take effect at the expiry of the then current billing cycle.
  2. Where there is an Initial Term or Renewal Term, You may only terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause 13.1
  3. You may terminate this Agreement by giving at least 30 Business Days’ notice to the Polymer Invoice as the Provider, or if the Provider is in breach (other than a trivial breach causing no material harm) of any provision of this Agreement and, where the breach is capable of remedy, the Provider has failed to remedy the breach within 30 Business Days’ of receipt of written notice from the Customer describing the breach and calling for it to be remedied.
  4. Polymer Invoice may terminate this Agreement by giving at least 30 Business Days’ notice to You, if You are in breach (other than a trivial breach causing no material harm) of any provision of this Agreement and, where the breach is capable of remedy, You have failed to remedy the breach within 30 Business Days of receipt of written notice from Polymer Invoice describing the breach and calling for it to be remedied.
  5. Polymer Invoice may terminate this Agreement immediately by giving written notice You where:
  1. You undergoes a Change of Control to a competitor of Polymer Invoice as determined by us;
  2. an Insolvency Event occurs in relation to You, as the Customer;
  3. You commits a breach of this Agreement not capable of remedy; or
  4. breaches clause 5.5.2 (Licence Restrictions) or clause 5.2.4 (License Restriction)
  1. Polymer Invoice may suspend overdue accounts without notice to the Customer.
  2. This Agreement is valid for 2 years and subject to automatic renewal without notice of termination from the parties. Early termination from Party B required a notice of at least 30 days.
  1. Event Following Termination

  1. Upon termination of this Agreement, Polymer Invoice will:
  1. immediately stop performing the Services;
  2. immediately stop placing orders for supplies or services required in connection with the performance of the Services; and
  3. promptly return to You or destroy all property, including Confidential Information, Intellectual Property and Data in its possession that belongs to You.
  1. Upon termination of this Agreement, You will immediately:
  1. cease and desist from any use of the Services;
  2. pay the Fees for all Services completed; and
  1. Where You have terminated due to a major failure of the Services as such term is defined under the Cambodia Law, the Service Provider will refund the Customer that portion of the Service Fee directly relating to the period of the major failure.
  2. The expiry or termination of this Agreement for any reason will be without prejudice to any rights or liabilities which have accrued prior to the date of expiry or termination of this Agreement.
  3. This clause 15 will survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
  1. Amendment

  1. The Parties agree that any amendments made to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by both Parties to this Agreement.
  2. As such, any amendments made by the Parties will be applied to this Agreement.
  1. Dispute Resolution

  1. The Parties agrees that this agreement shall be governed by the laws of Kingdom of Cambodia
  2. In the event of a dispute, the Parties agree to work towards a resolution through good faith negotiation.
  3. In the event that a dispute cannot be resolved through good faith of negotiation, the Parties agree to submit the binding mediation or arbitration.
  4. In the event of Arbitration and/or Mediation, the prevailing party will be entitled to its legal fees, including, but not limited to, its attorney's fees.
  1. Subcontracting

  1. You will not solicit or entice away, any person or organization that was an actual or prospective, client, employee, contractor, representative, agent of, or developer to, Polymer Invoice, during the Term of this Agreement.
  2. This clause 18 will survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
  1. Non-Solicitation

  1. This Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding among the Parties hereto, with respect to the subject matter hereof. It supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, inducements, and conditions (express, implied, oral, written, or of any nature whatsoever with respect to the subject matter hereof). The express terms hereof control and supersede any course of performance and/or usage of the trade inconsistent with any of the terms hereof.
  1. General

  1. Notice:

  1. A notice or other communication given under this Agreement must be:
  1. in writing, in English and signed by the sender; and
  2. addressed and delivered to the intended recipient by hand, prepaid post or email in accordance with the notice details last notified by the recipient to the Parties.
  1. You, as the Customer’s notice details are set out in the Customer’s account. Polymer Invoice’s notice details are set out on the Site. A Party may change its notice details by written notice to the other Parties, which, for the Customer, is by updating their Account, and for Polymer Invoice, is by updating the Site.
  2. A notice or communication is taken as having been given:
  1. when left at a Party’s current address for notices;
  2. if mailed, on the third Business Day after posting (if delivered to an address within the same country) or on the tenth Business Day after posting (if delivered to an address within another country); or  
  3. if sent by email, if sent before 5pm on a Business Day in the place of receipt then on the Business Day when it is sent, otherwise on the following Business Day.
  1. This subclause will survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
  1. Force Majeure:

  1. If performance of this Agreement or any obligation under this Agreement is prevented, restricted or interfered with by reasons of Force Majeure and the affected party unable to carry out its obligations gives the other party prompt written notice of such event, then the obligations of the affected party invoking this provision shall be suspended to the extent necessary by such event. The affected party shall use reasonable efforts under the circumstances to remove such prevention, restriction or interference or to limit the impact of the event on its performance and must continue to perform with reasonable dispatch when the Force Majeure is removed.
  1. Waiver:

  1. Any failure or delay by a Party in exercising a power or right (either wholly or partially) in relation to this Agreement does not operate as a waiver or prevent that Party from exercising that power or right or any other power or right.  A waiver must be in writing.
  1. Powers, rights, and remedies:

  1. Except as provided in this Agreement or permitted by law, the powers, rights, and remedies of a Party under this Agreement are cumulative and in addition to any other powers, rights and remedies the Party may have.
  1. Consents or approvals:

  1. Except as provided in this Agreement, a Party may give, attach conditions to or withhold any consent or approval under this Agreement at its sole and absolute discretion.  A Party is not obliged to give reasons for giving or withholding its consent or approval or for giving its consent or approval subject to conditions.
  1. Assignment:

  1. No Party may assign, transfer or otherwise deal with all or any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Parties.  Any purported dealing in breach of this clause 20.6 is of no force or effect.  
  1. Further assurance:

  1. Each Party must promptly do all things and execute all further documents necessary to give full force and effect to this Agreement and their obligations under it. This subclause will survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
  1. Costs and expenses:

  1. Each Party must pay its own costs and expenses (including legal costs) in connection with the negotiation, preparation, and execution of this Agreement and any document relating to it.
  1. Relationship of Parties:

  1. This Agreement is not intended to create a partnership, joint venture or agency relationship between the Parties.
  2. Nothing in this Agreement gives a Party authority to bind any other Party in any way.
  1. Links to Third Parties:

  1. The Services may contain links to third-party web sites or services that are not owned or controlled by the SaaS Provider.
    Polymer Invoice has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or services. You further acknowledge and agree that the Polymer Invoice shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such web sites or services.
  1. Independent legal advice:

  1. Each Party acknowledges and agrees that it has had an opportunity to read this Agreement, it agrees to its terms and, prior to executing it, it has been provided with the opportunity to seek independent legal advice about its terms.  
  1. Severance:

  1. If a provision of this Agreement is held to be void, invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision must be read down as narrowly as necessary to allow it to be valid or enforceable.
  2. If it is not possible to read down a provision (in whole or in part), that provision (or that part of that provision) is severed from this Agreement without affecting the validity or enforceability of the remainder of that provision or the other provisions in this Agreement.
  1. Entire agreement:

  1. The Agreement contains the entire understanding between the Parties, and supersedes all previous discussions, communications, negotiations, understandings, representations, warranties, commitments and agreements, in respect of its subject matter.  
  1. Governing law and jurisdiction:

  1. Both parties shall be subject to the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia in the event of any dispute, the parties to the contract agree to settle by negotiation and conciliation. In case the dispute cannot be resolved, the parties to the contract are willing to send the dispute to the court of jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
  1. All parties agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the agreement, which is legally valid from the date of your signup.


For inquires, please contact us at:
Polymer Invoice, (+855) 81 419 643 / (+855) 12 718 1 41
Startup Studio, 3rd Floor, CamTech University,
Prek Ta Sek District, Khan Chhroy Chongva,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia,
[email protected]